I followed the instructions on mandrakeuser.org and
ended up with the following problem:
>From a terminal I ran spadmin and changed the default
print queue to qtcups from lpr in the generic printer
driver. I then printed a test page. A page printed
correctly, then it continued to print and printed
mulit-colored random characters. It continued to do
this until I turned the printer off. After turning the
printer back on I tried to print again and nothing
would print. I tried xpp in addition to qtcups.
Nothing. A printer window will come up and it looks
like it should print, but nothing comes out of the
printer. I tried to go back to lpr, still nothing
I finally convinced my wife to work with StarOffice
instead of Microsoft Office, and now this happens. :(
Lets just say that she's not very happy with me right
Thanks for any help you can provide.


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