Please tell me which driver (CUPS + GIMP-print, Foomatic + stp, Foomatic
+ stcolor, ...) you
use. Send me


and tell me whether your printer is connected via
USB or via the
parallel port.

Print also to a file from your application and
display the file with
"gv". Are there any PostScript error messages
which "gv" puts out when
going through all the pages with the ">>" button?


Terry C wrote:
> Now that I'm home; here's the printer error message:
> Error /undefined in rce
>    topped_;ush  --nostringval--  --nostringval--
> --nostringval-- fa
> lse  1  topped_push 1 3 0parray_pop 1 3
> 0parray_pop  .runexec
> 2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2
> topped_push  --nostringval-- --nostringval--
> --nostringval
> Dictionary stack:
>    --dict:908/941 (G)--  --dict:0/20(G)--
> --dict:51/200(L)--
> Current allocation mode is local
> Current file position is 1091317

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