Erylon Hines wrote:
> Graham Kerr wrote:
> >
> > (Ive got 142 cans of beer and a bottle of Glenfiddich...)
> > So you wont get any sense from me for a while ;-)
> You're in Scotland and you have CANS of beer--when you have all those
> wonderful real beers everywhere around you????   You are a sicko.
> Now the Glenfiddich I can certainly agree with--in fact, I think I'll go
> find a dram of my very own.
> and a Merry CRIMBO to you.
> e.
> > Monster
> > Lost somewhere in Scotland lol
> >

I tell ya its just not fair! Here I am, stuck with American beer (which pales
in comparison)... ;-(

Oh well, guess I can grab a Heineken...and drown my sorrows! ;-)


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