

"Ronald J. Hall" wrote:
> Tom Brinkman wrote:
> >    I worked on a Dutch island (Bonaire) some 30 years ago.  The
> > Heineken we bought there was Dutch bier.  The Heineken y'all get in the
> > states.... well Pabst or Strohs prob'ly makes it.
> Cheated again, I knew it! ;-(  Oh well. My father was with the 101st combat
> engineers in Germany for about 6 years, and he used to bring (sneak is a better
> word I suppose) some of that fantastic, dark German beer home from the
> Oktoberfests... It was great. ;-)
> >    All you really need is some Daniels anyhow ;>
> Would that be "black jack"? <grin> I also like 7 year old Beam, Dickel, and on
> the odd occasion, Southern Comfort (although its rather sweet)... ;-)
> Happy Holidays!
> --
>                                                                        /\
>                                                                    Dark><Lord
>                                                                        \/

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