When I was just about getting fed up with how Visual C++ fails to compile 
simple bits of code, I read somewhere that the best C compilers run under 
unix [and that sort of includes linux, doesn't it?]. I got LM 7.1 more than 
2 months ago, and now I'm still learning to use gcc and cforge, which I 
just downloaded yesterday. So finally, my learning C++ can now proceed, 
after that long of being on hold.


At 10:41 AM 12/29/00 +0000, you wrote:
>ok, here is the real question: why do people try running linux?, the
>impression i had gathered was that it was a lighter os and could be used on
>older machines, (i386 etc). I was a little dismayed when i saw the download
>size. How much disk space will a bare install need?
>David and Alicia
>Would mandrake run on a p60, 540 mb hd, ?

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