Abraham Mandac wrote:
> At 03:03 PM 12/29/00 -0500, you wrote:
> >Abraham Mandac wrote:
> > >
> > > When I was just about getting fed up with how Visual C++ fails to compile
> > > simple bits of code, I read somewhere that the best C compilers run under
> > > unix [and that sort of includes linux, doesn't it?]. I got LM 7.1 more than
> > > 2 months ago, and now I'm still learning to use gcc and cforge, which I
> > > just downloaded yesterday. So finally, my learning C++ can now proceed,
> > > after that long of being on hold.
> > >
> > > --Abe
> >
> >Check out Code Crusader for Linux. Not bad...
> >
> >--
> >Roman
> >Registered Linux User #179293
> Hey, thanks. Is it included in the 'Complete' 7.1 distro [I don't think so
> but then I could have just missed it]? If not, do you have the URL of a
> good starting point to begin my search?
> Thanks again -- Abe

I'm not 100% sure about this one. I am using mdk7.2. While in  mdk7.1, I
used Code Commander. 
However, I went directly to the original web page and downloaded the
program. The link is shown below: 


Check out the Gnome project page. Code Commander has been renamed
Glimmer for mdk7.2. 
Here's another link:


Good Luck and Happy New Year!

Registered Linux User #179293

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