Hi Revenant

I've noticed KDE to be the slowest of the windowing systems I've tried so
far :( Gnome seems reasonably fast, and enlightenment also. Though I suspect
something like Gnome will be more comfortable for those used to windows.


> Define "faster than windows".  Using KDE I've noticed there is quite
> often a noticable delay waiting for windows to appear - far longer than
> in windows.
> Herman Christiani wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Yes, you can and it will run faster then windows,
> > but you forgot to mention the amount of ram?
> > Linux likes it's ram, the more the better.
> > On Fri, 29 Dec 2000, you wrote:
> > > Dear all,
> > > Can i install mandrake on my (shame) p200mmx 3.3gig machine?
> > > will it run apps faster than windoze bloatware?
> > > David and Alicia
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