As a follow up, log in as root, open Konsole:
a) Type in: chmod u+x rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs1.bin
Press the <enter> key. Then, press either the up or right arrow keys.
Instead of retyping, you call up the what you've typed from the previous

b) Insert ./ in from of rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs1.bin so that it
appears as shown below:
As Vic mentioned, the ./ allows you to execute the binary file
Press the <enter> key. 

c) Install it to /usr/local/Realplayer8


Vic wrote:
> I have what I believe is a copy of rp 8 on my machine,
> it is an autoinstaller much like in mac, all you do is
> set the executable bit on the file, then run it
> by typing ./rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs1.bin
> Typing that period and slash added onto
> the front of the filename tells linux to
> directly execute the file.
> Do all this while logged in as the root user,
> but first, please download the file from
> my ftp server if you cannot find it
> on
> Let me know if the url works or not, the file
> is approx 6 or 7 megs long.
> Hope this helps.
> Vic
> On Mon, 01 Jan 2001, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> > Okay, I hadn't done it in a while (no-wait, don't start feeling sorry for me,
> > this isn't something of a sexual nature! <lol>), but I went to a site that uses
> > realplayer, and I got a dialog box saying that it had expired. I followed the
> > links back to, but they only have (that I could find) a new
> > version 8 of RealPlayer for Unix. Its an RPM, so I d/l'ed it, and tried to
> > install it, but it says its not the same architecture.
> >
> > can I get a new version that works, or where can I find the older
> > version 7 since it worked fine on my setup. I would try to find it on my
> > Mandrake CD's but I loaned them to a friend who wanted to try Mandrake out.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > --
> >
> >                                                                      /\
> >                                                                  Dark><Lord
> >                                                                      \/


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