Hey Alan,

> Meph....it appears that on this execution of lilo, lilo was
> written to the MBR of hda.  Have you tried rebooting since
> running it?

  Finally took the time (Well, time ~is~ limited during the week,
after all) to reboot.  I'm still getting grub.  I don't get it at

  Is just removing all of grub advisable?

  Also, I'd made a boot disk & tested it.  Works fine & runs lilo
all the way through.  Only trouble is, once at the command
prompt, the font & logo are larger.  Instead of taking maybe a
third of this 20" of viewable space, it's taking now more than
two thirds.

  Is there a way to change this?  I mean, 1. I hardly need such
large fonts, & 2. do I really need to be reminded that I'm
running Linux?

  In relation to this, why isn't the info in issu & issue.net
which comes up on the screen considered a security issue?  If you
tell people exactly what you're running when they attempt to log
in, they'll know how to enter commands, right?

  With RH 6.0, I couldn't get it to stop doing that because both
issue files would just append what I'd type in them to what
showed up on the screen.  Any way to change this behaviour in


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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