On Monday 08 January 2001 04:24 pm, Adrian Smith wrote:
> i followed Toms post from 22 Dec in which he describes how to upgrade
> X401 to X402. ok, downloaded all the files Tom listed (and one more
> which i needed to satisfy dependencys) put them all together in a dir
> executed "rpm -Uvh *"        > no errors, seemed to go ok.
> however, when i check my version of X is still reports 4.0.1
> i was hoping this would clear up my display problems, but hasn't done
> a thing.  i am using the SiS640 and have heard it works better under
> the 4.0.2 version. > also XF86config and "XFree86 -configure" both 
result in a white 
> screen with a black X for the mouse curser, then lock up my system. 
> had to power down to get out.  the XF86cfg however does work.  i used 
> that to set up X.   still got the same bad video, still reports 
> version 4.0.1.  > is there something else that i must yet do??

   Well, I was gonna say you need to restart the X server, .... was 
that a normal power (shut down) down or did you just kill power and 
then need to fsck?   That might've corrupted the system.  I really 
don't know what could be your problem (I'll spare you my opinion about 
anything SiS).  Try 'rpm --rebuilddb', then you might try 'rpm -Uvh 
--allfiles *' on the XF rpms if that doesn't work.  I believe that 
replaces the rpm files whether they need it or not.  Then 'X -version' 
should say "XFree86 Version 4.0.2 / X Window System ..... i686"  You do 
have a i686 proccessor, right ?  Those were 686 rpms.   What does 
'rpm -qa | grep XFree' say?
Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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