Yea, that's some kind of bug in Helix-Gnome. The same thing happened to me 
too. To "fix" it, create the file ~/.Xclients-default if it's not already in 
your home directory, and then put "exec gnome-session" in that file. Then 
when you log in, select "Default" from the list of window managers, and it 
should bring up Gnome.

> Hi all, I've just downloaded and installed Helix Gnome on my MDK 7.2
> system. After the install 'kdm' stopped allowing me to access Gnome at
> all. (It doesn't show up in the window managers list at all.) How do I
> go about getting it back on the list so that I can use Gnome instead of
> KDE?
> I've seen elsewhere, where someone suggested that you create a file in
> /etc/X11/wmsession.d/ called '02gnome' which had the contents:
> NAME=Gnome
> ICON=gnome-wmsession.xpm
> DESC=Gnome Desktop Environment
> EXEC=/usr/bin/gnome-session
> SCRIPT: exec /usr/bin/gnome-session
> I tried that and when that didn't work, I manually edited
> usr/share/config/kdmrc and added Gnome to the list. Of course that
> added Gnome to the list, but caused 'kdm' to load up IceWM, instead of
> Gnome.
> I then used the 'Login Manager' application that came with KDE to edit
> the list, and put Gnome back in the list, but it only got the same
> results as putting it in manually.
> That's the extent of my travels so far. Any help would be appreciated. I
> guess the full extent of my question would be how to get Gnome to
> start up, and how to get Mandrake's menus to 'see' my Gnome software
> again.
> Thanks for you help.
> -Mannequin*

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