if you are running an SMP mandrake system will recompiling the software
you use help it to use the SMP capabilities of the machine or not? 

You all have me curious now.  My girlfriend wants a dual T-Bird system
for her birthday this summer.  This will be a strictly mandrake machine.


Tom Brinkman wrote:
> On Tuesday 09 January 2001 08:17 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:
> > I'd be real interested in knowing about this too cause I've been
> > toying with the same idea of building a dual processor system. Linux
> > is all I run anymore. I'd be more concerned as to how the kernel
> > would react to such a situation more then some of the apps on that
> > system. I can't imagine how'd they'd really care whether there were 1
> > or 10 processor.
>    Well, i've never run SMP.  From what I understand, a multi processor
> system has no problems running software written for single proccessor
> systems, but multi cpu systems won't run 'em any faster/better either.
> The application has to be specifically written and compiled to take
> advantage of multi proccessors  ... and they're few and far between on
> most all desktop systems.
> --
> Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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