On Wednesday 10 January 2001 02:48 pm, abe wrote:
> if you are running an SMP mandrake system will recompiling the
> software you use help it to use the SMP capabilities of the machine
> or not?

   No, the software has to be written by the developer(s) to take 
advantage of SMP.  I believe a Google on 'SMP' will shed more light on 
the subject than I ever could.  I've only looked into it enough to form 
the opinion that it's a waste on a user-desktop system, there's very 
little mainstream software that uses SMP.  In situations where it could 
be useful, the $$'s are prob'ly better spent building a better single 
proccessor system  .... and if you really need SMP, then you prob'ly 
ought'a be lookin into clustering also.  YMMV  ;)
Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay
> You all have me curious now.  My girlfriend wants a dual T-Bird
> system for her birthday this summer.  This will be a strictly
> mandrake machine.
> Abe
> Tom Brinkman wrote:
> > On Tuesday 09 January 2001 08:17 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:
> > > I'd be real interested in knowing about this too cause I've been
> > > toying with the same idea of building a dual processor system.
> > > Linux is all I run anymore. I'd be more concerned as to how the
> > > kernel would react to such a situation more then some of the apps
> > > on that system. I can't imagine how'd they'd really care whether
> > > there were 1 or 10 processor.
> >
> >    Well, i've never run SMP.  From what I understand, a multi
> > processor system has no problems running software written for
> > single proccessor systems, but multi cpu systems won't run 'em any
> > faster/better either. The application has to be specifically
> > written and compiled to take advantage of multi proccessors  ...
> > and they're few and far between on most all desktop systems.
> > --
> > Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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