Hi Kelly

Any of the text editors will do the job, so long as you're signed in as
root. If you pay attention to the order of the menu items during boot up
(just hit an arrow key to stop the count down if need) you'll find them in
the same order in the file which should give you an idea of the basic syntax
(grammar). I've found that timeout is the value in seconds that grub will
wait for a keystroke before going on with the default selection. Default
(minus the capital) is the menu item minus one (eg, 2nd one is 1). I'd also
suggest reading the manul for grub by going to the consol (any terminal
programm) and typing man grub which will give a good deal of info.

Hope that was of at least some help


> I know that this has been covered, because I remember seeing it. So,
> forgive my ignorance.
> How can I edit the Grub menu after it has been installed? I know that the
> list resides in /boot/grub/menu.lst. How can I edit that file?
> Thanks y'all,
> Chris Kelly
> ---
> Boy of Destiny
> King of Nothing

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