How does this relate to the subject, 'GRUB'?  Apparently, you have
Mandrake 7.2 running so the subject isn't 'GRUB'; it's "drive access
from a working LM7.2".

That aside,  ---Most likely, with two hard drives, if you have Windows,
it's on hda1 and LM7.2 is on a second HD alhough it could just as well
be on the same HD as Windows but on a separate partition. Regardless,
you have to know the partition.  You did make a note of it during
installaltion, didn't you?

We'll test to see if you can access the  Windows HD from LM7.2 .   We'll
do all
the work in terminal mode, not by clicking on icons.

Run LM7.2 as root, then do these commands

mkdir winx
mount -t vfat  /dev/hda1  /mnt/winx
cd /mnt/winx
ls -aF --color=auto

You should see the contents of your Windows partition.
After perusing Windows, execute these commands

umount  /mnt/winx
rmdir /mnt/winx

If you like the way these worked, you can create aliases that use
these commands so you could look at Windows with just a
simple command such as  'win+'     and  restore back to linux
with  'win-'

Now to look at any Linux partition,  we'll use  hdb3 as an example

mount -t ext2  /dev/hdb3  /mnt/hdb3
cd  /mnt/hdb3
ls -aF --color=auto

You should now be able to navigate through hdb3.

get back with these commands

umount /mnt/hdb3


mount -t iso9660  /dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom
cd  /mnt/cdrom
ls  -aF --color=auto

to dismount

umount  /mnt/cdrom

You have a 2nd CDROM?

call it cdrom2 in the above example

Oh yes, click icons?   try clicking  /dev/xxx


>  Hi All, I have to repost my problem again. I cannot access my 2
> cdroms or 2
> harddrives,using LM7.2.
> I properly did an "ATAPI" setup and it configured well for the cdroms
> and
> harddrives,but now I get the message "11(sigsegv)" when I click on
> anyone of
> the cdom  or harddrive icons. Can anyone one help me. I really want to
> get up
> and running.I am new to Linux and I really need your help.
> Thanks./

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