Hey Nev,

> Sorry for butting in as well -  but I too have a diamond viper
> 770 and I just came off SuSE to mandrake. In SuSE I had to
> download the latest drivers nvdriver.rpm and nv_glx.rpm and
> activate the 3D part of it in the XF86Config - and ensure the
> nvidia was selected in preference to nv. Apparently the nv
> drivers do not work with the drivers from Nvidia. I still have
> the info with me and I'm not sure how relevant this is to
> md7.2.

  Please send it on over.  After many hassles on other subjects
when I'd ran RH 6.0 (& a Dell altered version of it, at that),
I'm rather reluctant to install such things without ~lots~ of


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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