It's been a while since I'd read the docs, but I'm sure I'd
installed it on the recommendation set there.  Evidently, it was
necessary in RH 6.0 for me to play the one accelerated game I
could even compile -- Quake II.  It also had a positive effect in
lm7.2, as I can now get acceleration in a few games which before
lagged for very long periods before indicating they'd not
actually crashed;-).


> Isn't glide for 3dfx based video cards ?

> Meph Istopheles wrote:

> >   Hey,
> >
> >   Don't really wanna "horn" in, but I've a similar situation
> > with my Diamond Viper 770D (it's got the tnt2 chip).  With
> > XFree4.01 it's almost dead.  I'd installed the glide module &
> > some games picked up, but (I suppose those not using glide)
> > unchanged.  Switched to the other XFree 3.xx?) with lm7.2, &
> > little change.

  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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