On Monday 15 January 2001 07:46, you wrote:

> For anyone doing any kind of binary executable or script development this
> is indeed a good reason for adding "." to your $PATH variable.  In most
> environments

This is very bad advice for security reasons. You should never put '.' in 
your path - or if you do, at least put it at the end. The reason is basically 
that if some hacker gets into your system, he can throw in replacements for 
various standard commands. And, if he hacks into your account, he can put it 
in your default directory - he might not be able to put it somewhere else 
because of permissions.

If you're doing script development, make a private bin directory off of your 
$HOME, and put your stuff in there, and add $HOME/bin to the $PATH.

> Rick

David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       on your hard disk.

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