>You don't call XFdrake that way. The command line command to issue at the
>command prompt is "setuptool". You will be presented with a small menu of
>utilities to choose from. All to make it possible to configure your system.
>One of those is XFdrake. Give it a try. Drop out of a console from X by
>typing CTRL-ALT-F1, login as root, and type "setuptool" on the command line
>and see what happens. To get back to your X session the command is
>"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
>"Sharing is what makes them powerful."
>                                 Linus Torvalds

ahh------you are right.....setuptool did the trick...didnt know of this 
command........but now i do---thx alot...;)


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