> Allton Paul wrote:
> > I am experiencing "have 256Mb, linux only sees 64Mb" syndrome.
> >
> > I've tried adding append="mem=256M" in lilo.conf and restarted, but to no
> > avail.
> >
> > Is there anything else I can do, it's horrible using 64Mb.
> >
> > Also .. despite using the cdrom for installation, when I'm actually in linux
> > I cannot access it.  I get Input/Output errors.
> >
> >   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >                                Name: InterScan_Disclaimer.txt
> >    InterScan_Disclaimer.txt    Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
> >                            Encoding: 7bit
> I have the same problem with lilo.conf. I can type linux mem=120M at the boot
> prompt and that works. So I added this to the lilo.conf file. Where its says
> label= linux, I changed it to label="linux mem=120M". Ran lilo and the 
> rebooted.
> Linux now sees my memory. Hope this helps.
> Charles


Are you using lilo or grub? If you are using grub, appending anything to your 
lilo.conf file will not affect your system.

The only switch that might help you is supplying the correct amount of RAM either on 
the boot prompt or via '/etc/lilo.conf'.
                          At the boot prompt, type

linux mem=[size in MB]M
(e.g. linux mem=96M, if you have 96 MB RAM).

If this works, add it to your '/etc/lilo.conf', by changing the string append="" to 
something like this:


In GRUB, use something like

title linux
kernel (hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 mem=128M

put that in /boot/grub/menu.lst

that should fix your problem. If not go to this link for possible reasons and 


-- Al

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