I don't know why, but Linux sees my 733 processor as a 735 and my 256 mb ram 
as 255.  So I would say:  255.   

On Thursday 18 January 2001 07:19 pm, you wrote:

> Hooorah .... if at the boot prompt I type "linux mem=256M" I get the full
> amount ...
> however, try as I might I cannot get lilo.conf to automatically see the
> memory.
> I've tried append="mem=256m" and I've tried label="linux mem=256m" and it
> still doesnt work (and yes I did run lilo before rebooting).
> Can someone send me an example lilo.conf with label="linux mem=256" so I
> make sure I've got it in the right place.  I'd send my lilo.conf but I'm
> not at that machine at the moment.
> Finally, if I have 256Mb what amount should I specify.  I notice that for
> 64Mb linus starts with "65M" does this imply that for 256Mb I should start
> with 260MB ..... or is 256 the most.

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