I contacted LM just after Thanksgiving about replacing the beta KDE through the customer service dept.  They replied that they would turn the request to their sales dept.  Several weeks later a Vincent Seleti contacted me and said that the upgrade CD would be sent by Christmas.  Early in January I sent an E-mail to Vincent and informed him that the SD had not arrived.  He ignored the message.  The second copy of the E-mail was re transmitted a week later and he did reply to this by saying that he had answered my E-mail in December and hoped I was enjoying the up-grade.  It was obvious that he had not read the E-mail.  I sent him a n E-mail stating that he should read the E-mail before answering it and would he investigate why I did not get the CD.  Another week has gone by with no res ponce.  I have come to the conclusion that LM does not care for their image or there customers.
----- Original Message -----
From: Christopher Molnar
Sent: 1/11/2001 7:51:37 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Getting support

Can you please post your question here? cc me in and we'll try to help. I'm
not in the support department, but sometimes I can help or put you in touch
with the right people.
On Thursday 11 January 2001 10:03, Lionel Chan wrote:
> Greetings,
> I've registered my 7.2 and posted a question dated 12 Dec 2000.  Till date
> I've not gotten any response from Mandrake.
> Anyone with a similar problem getting help from Mandrake?
> Tks
>  --
> CHAN Kin Poon

--- Kenneth Brown

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