Mandrake 7.2 handles this very well. I have a WinME 20G HD and partitioned 5G
for Linux with 7.2 partition manager.


>Dave! If you install Linux on C:\ and Windows 98 is on it, you'll lose 
>Windows98 ! If Linux re-writes your MBR (Master Boot record), there's an 
>excellent chance you'll lose the partition info for all the other partitions.

>I think you need to exercise caution here. Are you trying to wipe out Windows

>in the process?? make sure you back up everything on ALL partitions!
>dan laBine
>On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, you wrote:
>> I have a single drive partitioned into 4 with my current OS (Win98se)
>> residing in C:\.  Among the options in the install is one to take over part

>> of C:\ for Linux.  If I do this, what will happen to the assigned drive
>> letters of D:\, E:\ and F:\, CD-ROM and CD-RW; will it reassign them with

>> new drive letters?

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