On Saturday 20 January 2001 10:05 pm, you wrote:
> On Saturday 20 January 2001 17:07, George Czerw wrote:
> > After I updated 7.2 with the 0118 KDE 2.1 updates, and subsequently
> > rebooted, I have the following problems:
> >
> > 1.  At the KDE login screen a root login is forbidden.
> I put a new kdebase package onto the mirrors you do not need to update all
> packages, just base and this is fixed.
> > 2.  Once logged in as user, I have 4 desktop applinks that no longer
> > work, regardless of whether I delete and rebuild the applinks!
> > However if I open up a terminal window and enter the same
> > command-lines, the apps function properly.
> Please let me know which 4 this helps me come up with ideas? What is the
> command line you enter?
> > Any ideas on solving either problem?
> update kdebase for the #1 and more info for #2.
> -Chris

I have the same problem,  ever window manager shows on the drop down list but 
only KDE and GNOME work.. I thought they were all there and functioning until 
I logged off and tried a different one.
  Dennis M.
  Registered Linux user #180842

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