I have a 1 Ghz Athlon, Asus A7v  motherboard, Plexwriter 8/4/32A CD-RW, 128
MB ram.

I downloaded the two Mandrake 7.2 iso files and validated the md5 sums.
I burned my own CD-RWs with Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4.  I created the CD-RWs
from the iso images.  Selecting Create CD & Disc-at-once options (I also
tried Track-at Once).
The CD-RWs burned successfully.

I rooted from the install CD-RW and after it got to the initializing CDROM
point, I got a message
saying that the CDROM device did not seem to contain a Linux Mandrake CDROM.

Any Ideas about what is causing this message?

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