--- Michael Scottaline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear All:
> > 
> > Newbie with a capital "N" here. I just installed Linux for the
> > first time a couple of days ago. So far everything appears to this
> > uninitiated person to be OK (e.g. connecting to the Internet), but
> > I can't for the life of me get the sound card to work. Or, I should
> > say that I can get the system bell to work using the "Test" button
> > in the Control Center, however I can't for example get the CD
> > Player to produce any sound. I have a Quantex TS30H1 laptop with A
> > PII 266 CPU, 80MB RAM and a NeoMagic 128XD video card. Problem is I
> > can't even see what kind of sound card I have as HardDarke doesn't
> > see it. Unfortunately Qunatex is of no help as they went down in 
> > flames last year. None of the doumentation for the laptop says
> >  anything beyond "16-bit wavetable sound." Any ideas or advice as
> > to how to troubleshoot this issue would be greatly appreciated.
> > 
> > Thank you,
> > rob
> =====================
> Welcome!!
> As root, try running "soundcfg" or "sndconfig" (w/o quotes, of
> course).  See what that turns up.  Are you dual booting with windoze?
>  If so, in windows, what can you find out about the soundcard (or on
> board chip...)
> Mike


Thank you for the response. I'm not dual booting with Windows. I tried
running "sndconfig" which gives the message "No PnP devices found."
Then it gives me the option of choosing from a list of sound cards,
which puts me back at square one :-((. Any other ideas welcomed.

Cheers, rob

P.S. I could, I suppose, install Windows (I have NT 4.0) for the
express purpose of seeing what sound card I have...ouch ;-))!

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