If it upsets you *so much* to see a remove me message, then filter out the 
messages that say "remove me" in the subject line.


On Wed, 07 Feb 2001, you wrote:
##Oops...dunno why my message didn't get sent properly - bounced the message
##I meant to reply to.
##Anyways...if you are a mailing-list newbie, try RTFM _before_ you subscribe
##to a mailing-list.  Otherwise, don't be surprised if you get flamed when
##you send a "remove me" message to the list (after all, it's a
 net.tradition, ##eh? :) ).  Don't think it's excusable just because this is
 a _Linux_ newbie ##list.
##Jesse - yes, I know it's a little too late.  :P

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