run setup under root's account under system services look for inetd then
activate next you restart your computer it should work. 

about talk same thing edit your inetd.conf, be sure the talk is
uncomment. then type mesg=y

hope this will help
On Fri, 9 Feb 2001, Adi W. Rahadi wrote:

> Thanks, it works, but after i start
> #inetd
> and remove in hosts.deny
> why inetd can't automatically start when my machine's up?, where i can
> add some options to start inetd when my machine start?

> one more question, before i start inetd, i can't use talk, it's allways
> refuse and now it goes
> [No connection yet]
> [Checking for invitation on caller's machine]
> without ringing on other party, everytime i talk <user>
> Please help me, thanks alot.
> Adi
> Allan Parreno wrote:
> > 
> > check the /etc/inetd.conf if the ftp and telnet has a # and maybe check
> > the /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny
> > 
> > On Fri, 9 Feb 2001, Adi W. Rahadi wrote:
> >

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
a l l a n  t. p a r r e n o
OneVirtual Internet - Iloilo
Make the first effort to work toward greatness.  You will learn a lot as
you go, and perfect your approach. The important thing now is to get
started and keep going.

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