Tea Pot:
What exactly is a BogoMip? In the 18 months that I've been using Linux
(RH6, LM 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2), I've also made some mb/CPU changes, going
from an K6-2 300/FIC VA-503 to an Athlon 800/Abit KT7 with some
intermediate stops. For each combination, of course, Linux reports a
different BogoMip rating. To me, it looks like a BogoMip is twice the
nominal CPU clock speed with a little bit taken out (possibly for sales
tax and shipping?) --  but I expect that the real definition takes into
account processor architecture and other factors.

Hmm, an Intel 8088 gets 0.02 BogoMips (20 BogoKips?), and I'm getting
slightly less than 1600 BogoMips -- 80,000 to 1. Funny, it didn't seem
that slow at the time.


Tea Pot wrote:
> I would give you my hardware configuration, I bought 3
> months ago, a reasonable platform for linux server:
> Abit KT7raid, 2x128 3rd party ram, 30GB ATA100 HD,
> Leadtek winfast geforce2 mx 4xAGP 32mb, phillips 107s
> monitor, athlon 900 MH (cost about 1000$ 3 months ago)
> Not over clocked, it got around 1988 on BogoMips.
> Intel 8088 4.77 MHz got 0.02 BogoMips
> AMD K6-2    500 MHz got 999.42 BogoMips
> 8xPIII xeon 500 MHz got 3996.06 BogoMips
>>> snip

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