Hiya Andrew, thanks for the quick response. I think i'll try Wine first as
they seem to have quite a comprehensive installation procedure. I hope i'm
right in assuming it's as easy as they describe on their website! I think i
may leave the Win4Lin for now as it suggests it may take me around 6 months
to actually get it to work. The Star Office I have already tried on the
Windows platform with which i was not too impressed but i will certainly
give it another chance and spend more than 20 seconds testing. 

Again, thanks for your help. 

Nick (i promise not to give up Linux and go back to win2k)

p.s. are there any linux alternatives for 'bearshare' out there. it's a p2p
file sharing protocol mostly for mp3's and mpg's

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Lazarewicz [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 19 February 2001 13:31
> Subject:      Re: [newbie] eh?
> ** Reply to message from Nick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Mon, 19 Feb
> 2001
> 12:47:59 -0000
> Welcome to the club!  I can help with the Windows problem.  
> Wine is an excellent tool that is in advanced development -- as I see it,
> the
> folks working it are doing an excellent job, but it still needs work (see
> their
> web site http://www.winehq.com). 
>  Another alternative that uses a different approach is Win4Lin (see
> http://www.netraverse.com) -- if you have a formal copy of Win 95/98,
> their
> program will install it into your Linux filesystem -- essentially, you are
> running the original Windows inside a Linux window (not an emulator).
> Direct X
> and DOS graphics mode aren't supported, so games are out, but business
> stuff
> should work -- MS Office is known to work.  I'm still installing it into
> my
> system, and have had some troubles with getting the right kernel in place
> (explained below) and Windows OEM are a pain (as is most of Windows
> software by
> definition), as you need a bootable disk as well (not a big deal, you just
> have
> to know about it).  Reviews are very good, I haven't yet fully installed
> it, but
> should be able to finish that today.  
> About the kernel, Linux's guts is the Kernel, and Win4Lin has to patch it,
> so
> the patch and your installed Kernel have to match.  Many are done quickly,
> and
> the CD has patches, but mine was a pain to get right.  Fortunately, their
> e-mail
> help is very good, and you can always write here too.
> StarOffice, which is available free from sun (http://www.sun.com), and
> included
> in many, if not all, packaged Linux systems is extremely compatible with
> MS
> Office.  I haven't yet found anything that I needed to do in MS Office
> that I
> can't do in Star Office -- take a look at this option as well.
> Linux is far different and better than DOS/Windows, it is very stable,
> free,
> grass-roots support, but it needs considerably more technical knowledge
> than
> Windows.  However, you get out of it what you put into it.  It is
> aggravating at
> times, but the people who work with it and help in places like this are
> terrific!  You won't be orphaned -- keep going!
> - Andy Lazarewicz
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