On Mon, 26 Feb 2001 01:39:37 +0100

<VERY large snip of totally useless information>

Have you attempted to compile this afterstep 'upgrade' yet. ?

The first step in the process is to run './configure' in the top
directory (without the quotes).

If the configure works you can move on to the next step which is run

The word '_works_' in this case means to run without error messages.
What you are looking for are messages such as: 
'Can't find htop/passthegravy.h'
'File not found' 
and so on.

So...in short

unpack the tarball:-  tar -zxvf filename
cd to the resulting directory
Run './configure'
Write down the _entire_ text of any messages thrown up by the compiler
so that we might help.

Then we can move to the next step.

At that point some of those of on the list just might have sufficient
information with which to help you. You may rest assured that if you
don't supply relevant information your problem may well end up in
pending baskets underneath the PDP-11's some of us keep in our

All that said, I am a Linux newbie myself, I've been around computers
since the Intel 4040 was issued with linen daipers. I'm at the other end
of the world and my nearest hands-on help is more than 6 hours drive
away. I have discovered to my peril that if I don't supply timely,
consise and sensible information when I seek help that I might as well

Nuf said?



                         Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
       (The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

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