Hey KompuKit,

        I just did this earlier today. I have some kind of factory installed
Phillips CD-RW 4x4x24. I'm not sure which one specifically, I didn't open my
box to find out. But, I had the problem of not being able to use my CD-RW
drive at all. So I did some searching in the mail archives and happened upon
a Mandrake tutorial that addresses this issue.

Basically it tells you to check out some info to make sure things are okay
to go on and has you delete a bad link, then presto, the drive should work.
Well, it did for me anyways. Hope this solves your problem.

Hans N.

        -----Original Message-----
        From: KompuKit

        I'm trying to setup scsi emulation in mandrake 7.2...

        HOW do I do this...?

        I installed a HP cd-rw  9150i  as secondary slave
        which in linux is: hdd
        harddrake recognised the drive....

        I tried the setup instructions below...but it won't work..

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