Hi All, here I come again,"oldman newbies", trying to find help for my 2
cdroms and 2 harddrives.As Hans' has help and LM7.2 "Rem Storage iv " has
help me I still have problems. Okay,I read "file:/var/log/messages, I got
something like this
"ide_setup:hdc=ide-scsi .......the 2nd cdrom was "hdd"  as instructed I
looked for
"kudzu:linked/dev/cdrom1 to /dev/scd0".......it went well, I continued to
"kudzu:linked /dev/cdrom2 to /dev/scd1"......this went  well,I continued, I
did a "cdrecord -scanbus" to list the "info" I "su"to root  and typed the
command.......indecated below
"cd/dev && rm cdroom&& ln -s scd0 cdrom"...I said "yes" at prompt followed
the same steps for the 2nd cdrom
"cd /dev/ && rm cdrom2 && ln -s scd1 cdrom"........it all went well with no
errors I logout to reboot

At login I attempted to access my cdroms I got the error  11(sigsegv)
I did not have to do any thing to my harddrives because they would give me
the same error

Hey All, somebody out there must know what this means.If I can get this
corrected, I believe I'll be alright.

Thanks a million.

LM Register #207672

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