Renaud OLGIATI wrote:
> I am trying in vain to print from SO5.2, and feel I am
> slowly going mad.
> I have installe the printer when I installed Mandrake 7.2;
> the test-page prints, and I print wothout problem from
> KWord or KSpread. The printer as installed is listed in
> /etc/cups/printers.conf
> If I open http://localhost:631/ and go to the Manage
> Printer page, it tells me there are no printers installed.
> If I install one, it is listed in /etc/cups/printers.conf,
> but at the end of the configuration I still have no printer
> installed as far as the Manage Printers page is concerned.
> If I open Kups from the console, the status bar of Kups
> keeps telling me Cannot connect to CUPS server; check your
> options. If I add one, it is listed in
> /etc/cups/printers.conf, but at the end of the
> configuration I still have no printer installed as far as
> Kups is concerned.In the course of the installation, Kups
> repeatedly tells me I have no printer connected to // port
> #1
> qtcups does not see any of the printers listed in
> /etc/cups/printers.conf
> xpp gives me short shrift, with the terse warning "No
> printer found, aborting"
> Only the Printer Configuration in DraxConf "sees" the
> installed printers, all the other config progs fail to see
> them.
> I have checked in the DraxConf startup services, and both
> cups and lpr are checked.
> Any ideas ?
> TIA,
> Desperate, on the shores of the Paraguay River.

Renaud....after installing SO as root there should've been a
menu selection in K-menu (under office) called 'staroffice
setup' that you used to install SO as a user.  Along with
that menu selection there should also be 2 more, 'staroffice'
(to execute staroffice) and 'staroffice printer setup' (to
setup printers for staroffice).  You need to use the
'staroffice printer setup' menu selection to setup a default
printer for star office.

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