I'm replying to Bill about his HP612 printer, and to the post about the 
CUPS 1.1.6 conflicts. Bill,...the reason your HP printer isn't working 
is because you've got "printpro" installed. Log in as root, open a 
terminal, fire up kpackage, and manually remove any and all printopro 
entries. Then using either kpackage or the Mandrake update, update 
"ghostscript", then get cups, cups=common, and cups-drivers. Install 
them in the correct order (what other way is there?) and check in 
DrakConf for the section called "Startup Services". You should find a 
new entry called "cups-lpd" . Click the button to have it start on 
boot-up, and just for the fun of it ( a trip down memory lane ! ) , 
reboot your PC. Go into DrakConf, open up "Printer Configuration", 
delete any printers you may already have in there, and re-install your 
612. It will probably detect it automatically, but if not, try any HP 
printers with a 600 series model number, the lower the number the better.

Now, Dennis, your already on the right track. Follow the instructions 
your getting and delete your previous versions of cups. If another 
package needs one of your cups packages make a not of the package, 
delete it, and re-install it after you've finished with cups. Next, you 
have no choice but to install a new copy of ghostscript. If the new 
version of cups wants a newer version of ghostscript, then get it, and 
install it. Otherwise, stay with the one you have. A word of advice 
here. Any package with the text "devel" in the name, is an add-on which 
is only required if you want to write programs for the main package it 
refers to. Therefore, if you wanted to write a new printer-driver for 
"cups", you would need cups-devel", and ONLY then. If your not a 
"Code-Warrior" (see programmer), then those nasty "devel" packages are 
just taking up room on your hard drive for nothing. One more 
thing,...use "kpackage" to do all of the installing and un-installing. 
Log-in as root to use kpackage.  Go to "www.rpmfind.net" to download the 
"rpm" packages you need, and then install them in the proper sequence. 
You'll be needing ghostscript, cups, cups-common, and cups-drivers. 
Follow my instructions in the first paragraph above and you should do fine.

Good luck to both of you.
Dan LaBine
Maximum L.A.N.'s Ltd
Registered Linux User #190712

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