On Tuesday 13 March 2001 09:48, you wrote:

> As I understand it a winmodem is software based
> right? I have a CreativeLabs Modem Blaster flash56 PCI. It is also listed
> as HCFMODEM. What is it I am missing and do I need to download something.
> Since I can't connect through Linux I am using WindowsME and apparently I
> will be downloading from there. Where do I download so that I can find it
> through Linux?
> Thank you in advance.

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean by your last sentence. If it 
helps this link   http://www.o2.net/~gromitkc/20001025a.html  is a fairly 
comprehensive list of modems which are described as working/not working with 

I know nothing about your modems but FWIW *most* external external modems 
work with Linux, I say most because there are 1 or 2 starting to emerge that 
are winmodems, if you need to buy one check that it is a  100% hardware modem.

 It may also help you to do a search on linmodems (I can't remember the 
address) for information about drivers for some winmodems.  

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