> Well, managed on my own to install the missing pppd all by myself. I have to
> say that normally I would be proud of figuring it out myself if it weren't
> for the fact it took forever. The help files was as useful as a MS help
> file.
> Anyway now my problem is that Linux cannot communicate with my modem. It
> "sees" it but can't talk in order to set up my Internet account. For some
> reason through DrakeHard or if I have that backwards. Can't work with it
> because its a winmodem. As I understand it a winmodem is software based
> right? I have a CreativeLabs Modem Blaster flash56 PCI. It is also listed as
> HCFMODEM. What is it I am missing and do I need to download something. 
HFC modem is a winmodem.  Only a very small handful of these cheapies have had 
workable drivers written for them in linux, usually because manufactures do not 
cooperate and force willing developer to do considerable reverse engineering to get 
them to work.  You can check the "linmodem" site to see if yours is supported, or (my 
advice) buy a decent external modem.  Even when winmodems to work, they are using 
processor cycles to do the job of real modem hardware.
Just my $0.02,
"Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
dreadful idolatry took place there."
--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
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