> Whether Jeff wants the detailed instructions or not, I would like them.
> Thanks a bunch.

  Alright Moose (& all),

  Keep in mind that there are reasons some do this one way &
reasons others do this another.  I, by no means, claim the only
or right way, but a way I've learned which works for me without

  These instructions, with one alteration, come from an article
by Joseph Cheek's Linux column in the June 2000 issue of
Computer Source magazine.  This article is copyrighted, but I
don't think there's an issue with extracting the steps from it.

  Disclaimer end....

  As I'd mentioned, the ntfs write module is alpha -- termed
"experimental" & "dangerous".  This may be true, but I've not
heard of anyone actually having any more trouble than I had had
before I'd been forced to reinstall W2k (for other reasons),
which is now a fat32, instead of ntfs fs.  But I'd had no problem
with the ntfs write module in either nt4.0 or W2k.

   So, the first thing you need is to verify that you've the
kernel source, c compiler & c libraries installed (there may be
others that lm7.2 doesn't automatically install, but I don't now
remember).  You'll get an error if you attempt to compile & don't
have the files you need.  If the source is installed, I'm pretty
sure you get specific errors telling you what you need.  To
verify you have the source, do:

ls /usr/src/

  If the source is installed, you will have a subdirectory
something like:


  This is the lm7.2 source, so, if you've a different release or
kernel, this subdirectory will have a different kernel release.

 1. As root, cd to /usr/src/whichever-release-you-have-installed
 2. Enter (if in X -- if not, use menuconfig):

        # make xconfig

  In here you may want to go through all the different things &
familiarize yourself.  If you see anything you know for a fact
isn't on your system, you can change the module setting to suit.
If you don't want to take any chances, you can leave it as is --
it simply takes a little longer to boot & adds a "not found"
line, or something similar, to your logs.

  There is a section on file systems, & some way down you will
find the ntfs read module.  I believe (it's been a while since
I've been in there) there's a section right near there with
something about Experimental File Systems -- you shouldn't have
any trouble finding it no matter what it's called, though.  In
here is, among a few other fs', the ntfs write module.  You
should set this to Load.  Don't worry about the warnings.  Just
know that if there ~is~ potential for trouble, it certainly
~could~ happen.  So, naturally, you want to back up any Windows
data before you begin.

  Make any other changes you want & save.  The buttons are self

  Then, at the command prompt:

        # make dep
        # make clean
        # make bzImage
        # make modules
        # make modules_install

  Now, if you run lilo, as I:

        # make bzlilo

  If you prefer grub, I'm sure there's a command line update for
to enter, but when I was looking over grub info (I admit, I
wasn't exactly studying it, as I was looking for a way to kill it
& go back to lilo) I didn't see it.  Perhaps someone here with
more grub knowledge could answer that?

  Then, making sure you have a boot disk handy, exit root, user,
& X, & restart.  I've not had a problem booting, but everyone's
config is different.  The worst that had ever happened after
numerous recompilings was that I'd accidently either neglected
some modules or added unnecessary ones.  So, if you're careful no
to remove anything which even looks remotely important, you should
be fine.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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