I am using tcp/ip. I'm in the process of setting up a proxy server, so I
needed something routable...


-----Original Message-----
From: Meph Istopheles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 12:50 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] read/write to and from NTFS/FAT


> That's really good. What about Fat partitions, is it the same
> deal?

  Sorry, your prompting also reminds me of the stuff needed in
/etc/fstab & a mount point.

  Assuming you've only just recently installed & Linux didn't
create your mount point (RH 6.0 & lm7.2 didn't except in my most
recent install), you need to enter something like this for ntfs:

/dev/hda1 /winnt ntfs rw,user,exec,umask=0 0 0

  There are those who've studies the fstab entries & mount point
theory more thoroughly than I, so you may want to wait for
flames to this;-).

  With W98, it looks rather like this:

/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0

  Again, I've not studied that stuff heavily -- I just go with
whatever works.  Previous to this recent install, I'd had to make
my own mount points & usually opted for /win as it's easy.
Mandrake chose to create a mount point for my W98 in the /mnt
directory & made the name the full "windows" (s'pose I'll change
that eventually to either /mnt/win or just /win & create the
mount point, but it works).

  Then creating a mount point is just:

# mkdir /winnt
# mkdir /mnt/winnt
or just
# mkdir /win

  Doesn't really matter but /win is less typing.

> Here's my scenario:

> I have two machines. One is running Linux MDK 7.2 and the other
> is Windows 98se. I want the Linux box to have access to the
> Windows drive.

  There are options, here.  Either you can install smbd on the
Linux box & the Windows smb client on the Windows box (or, if you
have access to Reflection software, you may want to use that on
the Windows box -- I've never used either, though, as I've no
need to access Linux from Windows), or you could install (as I
suspect you've been thinking of doing) Linux (even minimally) on
the Windows box.

  Personally, I'd dual-boot the other box, since you've the space,
then you could telnet from one to the other (if it's running
Linux at the time) & then access the Windows partition.  If it's
in Windows at the time, you'd need one of the two apps mentioned
above, as I don't think event the SE version of W98 comes with an
ftp daemon.

> I have the machines set up in Point to Point topology through a
> hub. Not real complex.

  Are you using to tcp/ip or netbui?


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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