----- Original Message -----
From: "Salvatore Eric Indiogine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 4:34 PM
Subject: [newbie] KDE 2.1 install

> Greetings!
> I am downloading the Mandrake 7.2 KDE 2.1 rpms from
> ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/2.1/distribution/rpm/Mandrake/7.2/i586
> The rpms are dated 2001-03-05.
> I would like to kow if there are any special instructions on how to
> them.
> This is my plan:
> 1. telinit 3 and su - root
> 2. rpm -Uvh qt2*.rpm
> 3. rpm -Uvh lib rpms
> 4. rpm -Uvh the rest of the rpms
> 5. rebuilddb
> 6. rpm --rebuilddb
> 7. update-menus
> Should this work?
> Pleae give me any corrections or point me to KDE 2.1 on Mandrake install
> instructions.  I use Mandrake 7.2 at work and do not want to mess up my
> computer.
> Thanks!
> --
> Salvatore "Eric" Indiogine
> Computer Specialist - Power Operations
> X-2431

I followed the procedures posted by Benjamin Sher and, for me, all went
well. Look below:

> The instructions for upgrading from KDE 2.0 to KDE 2.1 in Lm7.2 are as
> simple as can be because Mandrake went out of their way to make it so:
> 1) Go to any Mandrake ftp site using your ftp application (gftp, Igloo
> or whatever) and type in the exact name of the ftp host site, e.g.
> ftp.wtfo.com or rpmfind.net (exactly as it appears on Mandrake's
> downloads list. Look on Mandrake's home page (http://www.mandrake.com)
> under "Downloads". There you will find URL mirrors in your area and
> country. Select the one in North America if you live in the USA and
> Canada. Don't select metalab.unc.edu. They only carry the latest version
> of LM72 without all the bells and whistles.
> 2) Navigate till you get to Mandrake's "mandrake-devel" directory. Then,
> go to the "unsupported" directory. Then i586. At the very top, you will
> find a directory called KDE 2.1. Open it and you'll find EVERY file you
> will need to install KDE 2.1 EXCEPT for "apmd." You can get that file
> from Mandrake 7.2. It's part of the regular Mandrake 7.2 distro.
> Now create a KDE 2.1 directory in your home directory /home/user/KDE
> 2-1/ make sure to open the directory and now, using your broadband,
> download every file from the remote KDE 2.1 directory into your home KDE
> 2.1 directory. Warning: most of us don't need all those language files
> that follow "arts... (the very first file in the KDE 2.1 directory --
> you do need this file). So, the best way to handle this is to select ALL
> files, then quickly unselect the language files from "Brazil" to
> "Ukrainian". Otherwise, every file should be highlighted. Now download
> them all at once, if your ftp client allows for it. If not, download
> them individually into your /home/user/KDE 2.1 directory.
> When you have completed your downloading, close your ftp client.
> Now, before you install anything, be sure to first install the apmd rpm.
> You will need it to install everything else. When that's done, go to
> /home/user/KDE2-1 and type:
> #rpm -Uvh --replacefiles *.*
> The "replacefiles" argument is needed to allow the new KDE files to
> replace certain files that conflict with the old rpms. Your installation
> should not go smoothly but have patience. The only apparent problem (a
> non-problem) has to do with the doc files. You will so a host of
> messages about them. Just ignore them. The installation will continue
> all the way to the last file: "qt-static-libraries 2.2.4-3." And, by the
> way, it's a good idea to check the files in the remote directory against
> the files in your home directory before proceeding, including the file
> sizes.
> Your new KDE 2.1 should now be ready. Just for the fun of it, reboot
> your system. You will now log into the new KDE 2.1. First thing you
> should do is to take care of the rpm data base and your menus:
> Thus:
> 1) #rpm --rebuilddb
> (i.e. rebuild your rpm data base (db). Have patience. This takes about 5
> minutes.
> 2) Now, for the menus:
> #update-menus -v
> This command adjusts the menus for all your desktops and window
> managers. One little bug: When it ends with fvm, it doesn't return you
> to a regular prompt. Just wait a minute or two and when you are SURE
> that the process has ended, just type Cnt +C and you'll be back at your
> regular prompt.
> Now reboot one last time for the menu and rpm changes to take effect and
> your new KDE 2.1 is at your service.
> Notice especially the improvements in Konqueror and Kmail.
> One caveat: There is a little annoying but insignificant bug in Netscape
> in KDE 2.1 that I raised a hue and cry about because I thought it was a
> KDE bug that needed urgent attention: You can only launch one instance
> of Netscape (or Mozilla) at a time, that is, by clicking on the Netscape
> icon. As one kind member of the list explained to me, you can easily
> launch as many windows as you wish from Netscape's menu (File, New,
> Navigator window). This, I was told, is also much preferable because you
> save an enormous amount of wasted memory every time you launch the
> entire Netscape application by clicking on it. So, the bug is really a
> feature, after all.
> To make Java work, see my long message with a solution to the Java
> problem in KDE 2.1 (essentially using the IBM Java 1.3 JRE instead of
> the Sun version. At least it worked in my case. For full details, see my
> earlier message or check the Mandrake archives (see Mandrake's home
> page, mailing lists for details).
> Yours,
> Benjamin
> P. S. I am sending this message to both the Newbie list, that could
> definitely use it and the Expert list, that might find it superfluous. I
> hope, though, that the completeness of the instructions (along with my
> Java solution for KDE 2.1) might be of use to experts who are bombarded
> by requests from newbies. Just save these two messages and forward it to
> them.
> --
> Sher's Russian Web
> http://www.websher.net
> Benjamin and Anna Sher

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