I'm having some problems playing mp3's in LM 7.2.  For some reason, only a minute or so will play before the sound stops, although the mp3 player says the song is still playing.  Once it reaches the end of the mp3, it starts playin the next one fine, but only for another minute.  I've checked the config of my soundcard (SoundBlaster PCI128) against that used in windows 2000 (I have to dual boot since I'm at uni, and some of the programs I need are only available in windows - sorry!) and they match.
The sound from DVD's and CD's is fine, as is the sound from sound effects, so i'm not sure what happens when i play mp3's.  Oh, and this happens no matter which mp3 player i use.  My machine is a p3 750MHz, with 128MB RAM, if that helps any?
Thank you very much for your help,

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