I would actually suggest, to just leave the /home directory, but let the
"upgrade" handle the /etc.  But if you install, then drop in your /home
and /etc you could cause problems for yourself.  Because the install
will write over the files that it needs, like .cshrc, .bashrc, or any
other .shellrc kind of file.  Since you're talking about going from
RedHATE to Mandrake, it's best to let the system itself change those,
unless you are comfortable enough editing those files manually to get
them to work.

But if you copy in your /home you'll still have your .aliases, and other
config files for various apps.  Apps like gimp, aim, and licq come to

This is easier if you have two HDD in the machine, of which /home is on
a separate drive, but if they're not and you have /home on it's own
partition, this shouldn't cause you a problem at all.

I like that signature! lol

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* A V Flinsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010331 06:34]:
> What about doing the following
> - Backup /home & /etc
> - Do a complete install
> - Restore /home & /etc
> This would keep most things the same, of course you will loose anything 
> not installed by rpm or after installation of RH & anything that was not 
> part of both the RH & Mandrake installs.
> -- 
> Alex
> Kernel Panic is General Failure's second in command

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