I saw both inetd and xinetd running, should I stop one of them?

I am trying to use wu-ftpd and yes, when I kill both xinetd and inetd
I get connection refused, but when I turn it back on I still get

[ntr@kittypuss ntr]$ ftp kittypuss.org
Connected to kittypuss.org.
500 kittypuss.org FTP server shut down -- please try again later.

then I bang the keyboard in frustration.

On Sunday 08 April 2001 07:40 pm,  so spoke CB:
> Chubby Vic wrote:
> > running inetd and in.ftpd produces same result,
> Are you running proftp, wu-ftp, or other for your server?  Are you
> running inetd or xinetd?  Is ftp configured in inetd and there is
> already a proftp server running?  Try turning off inetd and see what
> happens (if you get connection refused, then I'm wrong).

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