On Wednesday 09 May 2001 21:27, you wrote about [newbie] Redhat vs Mandrake 
that ...
> My wife's company has asked me about installing a linux server to relay
> mail within their local LAN and also out to their ISP.  They'd like to run
> apache and mySQL.  They wanted to know whether they should install RedHat
> or Mandrake.
> I'm not sure how to answer them.... why would one be better than the other?

Find yourself a real card-carrying ubergeek within driving distance - then 
install whatever distro he raves about.

Six months later you can then get back to him with "remember that 
UltraObscure LiGNUx v24.2 you told me to install? There's this little problem 
we're having, nothing major, mind you, but perhaps you've come across it 
before ..."

He will then spend the next two weeks overhauling your server free of charge. 
This is why it is *really* called Free Software ... <vbg>

OK, "tension breaker, had to be done", but many a true word is spoken in jest.


Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za

This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

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