Well 8 is good, but not quite polished off yet.

7.2 has its little boogers in it too, but is not bad.

I installed 8.0 and so far its pretty good.

If you really need it quick you may wish to go get 7.2 in the box.

On Thursday 10 May 2001 10:00 pm, so spoke Michelle Knight:
> HI,
>    I've been on this list a few days and decided to say hi and introduce
> myself.  I'm utterly and totally a newbie as far as Linux goes (I've been
> running a machine with Windows as the OS since 1995). I've researched a few
> companies and decided to go with Mandrake as my distro.
> A few questions . . .  I'm torn if I should buy 7.2 now or wait until 8.0
> comes out as a box set. I'm running a 500 Pentium III, 128 meg RAM w/ an 18
> Gig HD.   I plan on buying an external modem and wonder what brand of modem
> would be a good choice. Any suggestions?  Thanks.
> Michelle

  • ... Adam Haley
  • ... Robin Regennitter
  • ... Carroll Grigsby
  • ... Michelle Knight
    • ... Wynne Crisman
      • ... David E. Fox
        • ... Carroll Grigsby
    • ... Michael Scottaline
    • ... poogle
    • ... Petre Daniel
    • ... Chubby Vic
  • ... Черногорлов Дмитрий
  • ... Ricky Robinson

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