I have an old Celeron 400 system I just rehabilitated and I want it to
> run Linux. Problem is I only have cds for 7.1 [kernel 2.2.14].
>     Installation went well except that it's having issues with the only
> modem I have left that's any good.
>     I just wanted to ask for advice on how I can get this machine connected
> to the net using the 3com PCI modem.
>     Do I need a kernel upgrade or anything like that? I've heard linux has
> issues with internal modems but some people have had their modems work.
>     I want to use this modem particularly coz it was pretty fast on my
> Win98 box.
Gotta make sure it's not a "winmodem". So 1st make sure your bios is not set 
to "plug&play" 2nd...if your modem has jumpers that take it out of 
plug&play..do those too. I have no idea if this 3com does or not. Perhaps a 
more knowledgable soul can chime in here.Then configure your modem in kppp 
and that oughta do it..hopefully. 

If ya hafta have another modem,I hear a 3com makes a real good external 
model. For kicks,check out..and I think this is correct.. www.linmodem.org 
for more info on this topic. 

Good luck and keep us tuned of course :)

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