You may have misunderstood me Randy,if so I am sorry 'bout that. This
comment "I'm anxious to try a usb modem with linux on a laptop setup" was
for a future project. I'm aiming for a laptop running on a, satellite
delivered internet set up. as I understand it they use usb
you see my friend :)As always with me..thank you for your time.

>  Go to this URL to see if your modem if there
>--- Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Cool Randy..I appreciate the education there. I did
>> hear some drivers are
>> being(have been) written for the winmodems,I think
>> that's really cool.I'm
>> anxious to try a usb modem with linux on a laptop
>> setup...but that's
>> another post..and 1/2 :)
>> Hava good week folks..
>> Lee

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