On Mon, 14 May 2001 05:27, tazmun wrote:
> Hi all.....just a quickie question that has been bugging me.  I was
> under the impression that the Linux OS was a more efficient program
> then windows....but the only 2 programs I have for true comparison
> since I run them on both OS's is Star Office & Netscape 4.7.  The
> windows OS unfortunately kicks linux ass oh so terribly bad!  Does
> this mean I don't have the OS correctly configured or is this
> typical behaviour?  

There are numerous technical reasons why Netscape and StarOffice 
perform poorly in Linux compared to Windos. These programmes are 
monolithic in design, not taking advantage of any of the numerous 
toolkits (e.g. GTK, QT) that help to keep Linux quick and at the same 
time functional. The Windos API is far better for these types of 
applications. For a fairer fight (IMHO), compare a mature Linux 
programme based on an established toolkit (e.g. Konqueror) with a 
mature Windos app of the same type (e.g. M$IE). Remember to take 
account of features (more features usually means slower performance) 
and other things that may make a performance difference (background 
processes, themes, etc.). The Linux version of StarOffice 6 (and 
OpenOffice, upon which it is based) is meant to be based on GTK, so 
theoretically it should be quicker than the corresponding Windos 

> Oh yeah, I'm still running the Mandrake 7.1
> version waiting for the 8.0 to hit the stores and windows ME on a
> 850 PIII based system with a promise card running 66 dma hard
> drives.  I know I had problems when I check the option for (I can't
> quote exactly what it was called)maximizing hard drive performance. 
> It noted that problems with this are common and suggests that you
> don't try to use this option.  Any thoughts on this subject??

Firstly, try upgrading to Mandrake 8.0. This new version has far 
better hardware support. One thing to remember about Linux is that is 
an incredibly configurable OS. Out of the box, it may not be very much 
faster than Windos, but with only a few tweaks here and there your 
system can increase drastically in performance. Take a look at 
http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/hardware/hide2.html, and browse all 
the other articles on mandrakeuser.org. I'm sure there's much room for 

> Thanks Taz

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
        "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
        LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
                -- Jeremy S. Anderson

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