Sorry Lee

I'm not knowledgeable of Linux piped Office programs to have an opinion
there.  But from my view point the office system needs not only to be
compatable with Micosoft office but work similiarly enough the users can
free go back and forth between the two with out it being a big deal for it
to become  practical for the business world.  I'm not at all sure Linux is
going to serve my purposes at all.  As it has been pointed out Linux is not
as well suited yet for multimedia as windows and until software is actually
designed for Linux and not just duplication from windows I suppose it will
be hard to achieve equality.  Personally I find it weird sending out email
that is not html compatible and would never consider using an email client
that couldn't support html since the multimedia experience is very important
to me.   I know some of my comments upset some of the purists here and I see
their side to a point.  However I am only seeking a means to a purpose.  I
don't like being subject to a dictator like Microsoft nor do I like their
prices.  But user friendly software that does not take a guru to run it is
essential to me.  I believe Linux has come a long ways down that road and
hopefully it will continue.  But those that want to promote and make Linux
the new wave of the future need to remember that most of us are not guru's
and nor to we desire to be.  I build custom computers for sale and would
love to be able to sell new and used systems with a freely distributable OS
like Linux in them.  However my game is more hardware and speed of that
hardware, so the OS that is going to give me the best performance is more of
a concern then anything else.  I'm not a programmer and nor do I feel that
is in my future.  Mandrake has come further so far then any other
distribution so far that I have seen in being able to do configuration
through the graphical interface.  I would plead with the guru's monitoring
this list to use those graphical interfaces in their explanation's of the
how to's as much as possible rather then using the command line for I
believe the future of Linux becoming a major player in the industry depends
on leaving the command line behind.  Companys can hire a programmer to do
setup if necessary....but in a world of employees used to
windows...retraining all of them is not going to be a viable alternative.
----- Original Message -----
From: Lee
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Star Office and Netscape start faster in

Hi Taz,

Wanna ask ya,if you don't mind, what would you reccomend instead of star
office ? k-office perhaps ?? Just curious..and thank you.

>star office? CRAP. quite simply. why are you using it?
>that's what you really need to think about man. it does
>SOME things really nice but other things? it just plain
>SUCKS at. it's not a bad piece of software, but there's a
>LOT to be desired. just because it's made by Sun and it's
>free doesn't mean it's going to kick ass.

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