I have installed the Opera browser on LM8.0

During the normal navigation I got a "freeze screen" .. the PC become completely 
unresponsive .
I thought that this didn't happen on Linux .
The fact that an application can bring down an OS was the reason that I've switched 
from Windows .. many people assured me that "freeze screens" and "blue screens" 
wouldn't happen. 
I am a bit disappointed :-(

I had to press the reset button and reboot.
But while the system was rebooting I've got a message that the disk wasn't cleanly 
unmounted and that some kind of check had to be done.
The problem is that errors were found and I was presented two choices:
1) Press Control + D  for normal startup. Which I did .. but with no luck
2)Provide root password to do some kind of manual fixes.

Option number two is the reason I'm writing this e-mail.

What can I do at the command line to fix this. I am newbie at Linux... I don't have a 
clue of what to do

I really hate the idea of doing a fresh install and lose all my data.

Can anyone help?


Luis Neves

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